One Source of Bad Information, Episode 195


What would happen if we could see that the many 'young parts' of ourselves, with their fears and worries, with their plans and advice, are doing their best to take care of us - even if the information they have is partial and, sometimes, applies only to a much earlier time in our lives. Could we come at them with kindness, appreciation and welcome instead of trying to dominate and suppress them? Could we bring them the gifts of the deeper patience and spaciousness that we are so that we can benefit from their presence rather than being gripped by them? And could we extend the same kindness to others?

This week's Turning Towards Life is a conversation about all that can come from being a space of welcome and curiosity- hosted as always by Lizzie Winn and Justin Wise of Thirdspace.

Here's our source for this week:

One Source of Bad Information

by Robert Bly

There’s a boy in you about three
years old who hasn’t learned a thing for thirty
Thousand years. Sometime it’s a girl.

This child had to make up its mind
How to save you from death. He said things like:
``Stay home. Avoid elevators. Eat only elk.’’

You live with this child, but you don’t know it.
You’re in the office, yes, but live with this boy
At night. He’s uninformed, but he does want
To save your life. And he has. Because of this boy
You survived a lot. He’s got six big ideas.
Five don’t work. Right now he’s repeating them to you.


Here’s to Wildness, Episode 196


May We See Beyond Those Stories, Episode 194