May We See Beyond Those Stories, Episode 194


We go around our lives hiding much of ourselves from view, 'setting out a stall' that we've learned to set out through all that's happened for us so far. There are gifts behind the face we present to the world, gifts that could be brought for the benefit of many. But often we run from the very truthfulness about what's peeking out from the shadows, what's waiting in our messy, beautiful selves, because we've assumed that what is hidden is somehow inherently shameful, or because we've not yet felt welcome to bring it.

If we had the right kind of safety, the right kind of support, the right kind of conversation, and if we were to be held in relationship with the loving, uncompromising, truthful presence of another, we might find that we could ever more bring our fullness into the world - and that is what coaching (as well as parenting, friendship, community) could be for.

This week's Turning Towards Life is a conversation about all of this - hosted as always by Lizzie Winn and Justin Wise of Thirdspace.

Here's our source for this week:

Where love flows through

May this be a space of welcome
A space where you are seen, unmasked
and bathed in loving attention.
Mine - and your own.
May we discover in our time together
what is peeking out from the shadows
yearning to be noticed.

May our space be big enough to hold
both the stories you tell about yourself
and the truth of your existence.

May I see beyond those stories
to the unique, wondrous beauty of your soul
and may I shine a light on your beauty
and your truth
while honouring and dignifying all parts of you.

May I stand tall in bringing you my observations and offerings
starting close in,
inviting you two steps further along the tightrope
than you may have gone alone.

May this be a space where love flows through,
and where our hearts can speak to each other

by Kate Van Akin

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


One Source of Bad Information, Episode 195


I Believe In All That Has Never Yet Been Spoken, Episode 193