This Small Space, Episode 337


On acknowledging experiences rather than moving away from them or interrupting them. How we might experience our feelings without ‘acting them out’ when they’re intense or overwhelming. And the gifts and blessings of being gentle with ourselves and one another.

This week's Turning Towards Life is hosted, as always, by Lizzie Winn and Justin Wise of Thirdspace.

Here’s our source for this week:

This Small Space

I’ve curled in.
Observing the paned frame of freckled rain,
Trickling down the window.
Steam falls from my clay cup.
Hugged in cast shadows and held in fresh sheets I try to find home within myself.
Complex cluttered colours shine on difficult days,
one part still waits for a calling.
She is soft, broken, real and trying,
A frame for the rain to run,
A window for truth to-shine.
Cracks of comfort come with falling,
folding into the wisdom calling.

Roberta Morrow

Photo: Unsplash | Madi Doell


What the Living Do, Episode 338


Right-Sized, Episode 336