Horizons, Episode 388
We look out at the world and see horizons everywhere, lines on the ‘edge of the world’ that we know are markers of the beyond. When we move and shift our position, what is beyond the horizon reveals itself in new ways.
And we are like this too - what is within us and what is between us is marked by horizons that are not fixed lines but invitations for movement and discovery. What would become possible if we committed ourselves to standing in new places inside ourselves, and taking one another by the hand to meet on new horizons between us than the habitual, familiar ones we have grown used to?
This week’s conversation is hosted, as always, by Lizzie Winn and Justin Wise of Thirdspace.
Episode Overview
00:00 Introduction to Turning Towards Life
02:02 Exploring the Concept of Horizons
10:15 The Nature of Limitations and Possibilities
16:35 Shared Horizons in Relationships
22:01 Imagination and New Horizons
28:38 The Power of Connection and Support
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Here’s our source for this week:
are everywhere: both inside and outside of what only feels like our sense of self. The edge between what I think is me and what I think is you is as much a horizon as any line of mountains or that far dark line on the distant ocean. Horizon is the line between what we think we know and what we do not know, between what we think we see and do not see: horizons mark the threshold between the world that I inhabit and the one that seems to wait for me, between a world I can almost understand and what lies beyond the imagination of my present life. Horizons are creative, disturbing, invitational edges just by the fact that they exist.
David Whyte
from ‘Consolations II: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words’
Photo by Sam Williams on Unsplash