Bird and Stone, Episode 301


How do we attend to our inner complexity? Are there ways we might relate to the many parts of us that honour both subtlety and certainty, practicality and mystery, hardness and softness, ground and sky?

And what might it take for us to be the ones who bring ourselves to all of this - and to each other - in a way that fosters relationships that are nourishing and truthful, inviting and care-taking, so that we don't fall into habitual patterns that end up elevating one side of each polarity at the cost of the destruction of the other?

This week's Turning Towards Life is hosted, as always, by Lizzie Winn and Justin Wise of Thirdspace.

Here’s our source for this week:

Bird and Stone

There is a bird and a stone
in your body. Your job is not
to kill the bird with the stone.

Victoria Chang
from the book "The Trees Witness Everything"

Photo by Sneha Cecil on Unsplash


Drinking Damage Into Love, Episode 302


A Walking Permission-Slip, Episode 300