Two Paths, Episode 81


In every moment we have a choice about how to meet the circumstances of our lives, and the cumulative effect of our choices adds up to a path we walk through life. What happens when we pay attention enough that we can know ourselves as choosing? And which path will we choose - fear or faithfulness, scattered or present?

Here's Episode 81 of Turning Towards Life, a weekly live 30 minute conversation hosted by Thirdspace in which Justin Wise and Lizzie Winn dive deep into big questions of human living.

Find us on FaceBook to watch live and join in the lively conversation on this episode. We're also on YouTube, and as a podcast on Apple, Google and Spotify.

In this conversation we explore the ways in which our moment-to-moment interpretation shapes the way we bring ourselves to our lives. We consider together what it is to 'walk a path' in life, rather than responding impulsively, and how some of the implicit assumptions of contemporary culture can easily keep us diminishing ourselves and our own aliveness, and in the process diminishing that in others too.

What becomes possible, we wonder, when we see that it's our attempts to control life that get us into so much difficulty? And what happens when we come at life with an intention to participate, fully, with as much kindness and presence as we can find?

Two Paths




It’s all up to me. 
We’re in it together.

No-one gets me. 
Let’s talk.

What if the worst happens.
What's happening now ?

I failed. 
I’m learning.

I’m useless.
I feel my inherent goodness.

Everything is messed up. 
One small thing.

I’m powerless. 
If not me, then who ?

It might be disastrous. 
One step at a time.

Scattered. I’m all over the place. 
Breath. Here I am.

I’m lost. 
The ground holds me.

I can’t stop crying. What’s wrong with me?
Hello emotion. Welcome.

I’m filled with doubt. 
It’s OK to ask questions.

I’ve gone backwards. 
A revisit is a beautiful thing.

They hurt me. 
My centre grows stronger.

There’s not enough.
I am overflowing with life.

It’s all going round in my head. 
My body and breath offers peace.

I’m numb and procrastinating. 
Something is calling for my attention.

I’m a terrible person. 
Regret has goodness woven in.

I don’t have what I need. 
Little by little I take action and build my life.

I am an emotional wreck.
Thank you feelings, I accept you and thank you.

I don’t want to stop. 
It’s safe to slow down.

I’m overwhelmed. It’s too much.
One thing at a time. Simple.

What’s going to happen ?
This moment is all we can affect.

It’s all meaningless. 
A chance to feel real.

I’m so angry.
There’s gold in the dark, hard rock.

I’m ashamed.
Our brokenness is our gift.

I hate not knowing. 
Our world is benevolent.

I’m terrible at this. 
I appreciate what I CAN do.

I want it all to be OK. 
What I am is what I need.

– Lizzie Winn

Photo by Alex Holyoake on Unsplash


Thanks, Episode 82


The Place Where We Are Right, Episode 80