Only One Wild Way, Episode 61


Here's Episode 61 of Turning Towards Life, a weekly live 30 minute conversation hosted by thirdspace coaching in which Justin Wise and Lizzie Winn dive deep into big questions of human living.

You can join our members-only facebook group here to watch live and join in the lively comment conversation on this episode. You can also watch previous episodes there, and on our YouTube channel.

This week we begin with a source written by Lizzie.

Only One Wild Way

Being broken open is the gateway to God
Letting creation in, allowing the Divine
Means living from a truly softened heart
And it means letting life have its way
It hurts and it’s physically painful
We tried to fight to keep it closed
There’s only one wild way to live once you’ve been opened
Like a can of sardines and the metal is sliced and the lid can’t be put back on again
There’s no shutting up shop
Backing into oblivion again
Not for an opened heart
Beaten around by life
By what happened
Who I’ve become
What they did
Who they are
And everything else
A heart once opened is like that forever
And maybe that’s what grief is made of
The love becomes fully obvious when the body is removed from our touch
And it’s hard to bear how much we love each other
It hurts to go direct
It pains to be truly and messily intimate
And as we wriggle into this space
Of deep connection
In all its Individual and specific glory
We find ourselves
Excruciatingly aligned with life it
SelfAs it sears through us
And wipes us out
At the same time as bringing us to life
As our shell falls away
And we are mushy
Smashed to smithereens
We run the bath
Make dinner
Wonder what our loved ones might like for a Christmas gift
Put the bins out
And carry on
With our broken hearts leaking out love just about everywhere

– Lizzie Winn


Fear is Easy, Episode 62


How to be Happy (1) & (2), Episode 60