Oh Beautiful Sky That We Cannot Change, Episode 11

We're live every Sunday morning at 9am UK time. You can join our facebook group to watch live, view archives, and join in the growing community and conversation that's happening around this project.

In Oh Beautiful Sky we begin with a poem written by Lizzie's husband Matthew for his daughter. Our conversation turned into the topic of power - how we try to have power over others and over the world, and the difficulty this brings. And how cultivating awe and connection with something bigger than ourselves - the sky, nature - can remind us of a much truer power we have, power-with, in which we turn towards others and bring ourselves in a way that brings out the possibility of mutual commitment. And what different world of organisations, family, community and politics we'd cultivate if power-with was our central commitment in the world?


The Cradling, Episode 12


The Invisible Tug Between You and Everything, Episode 10